Guest Lecturers for Two Counties Art & Craft Society, Walliswood, Surrey
Benefit from the positive influence of an inspiring guest speaker to a local and skilled painting group
I'm Elaine, Project Leader

Elaine Freed | ![]() | verified |
I am a trained glass engraver, and, porcelain painter. Though I no longer live in Walliswood, Surrey, I maintain support for the Two Counties group and appreciate the tremendous impact painting has on the lives and the valued work of the group.
You can find me here:
I have lead or am leading:
Guest Lecturers for Two Counties Art & Craft Society, Walliswood, Surrey
I have contributed to:
Guest Lecturers for Two Counties Art & Craft Society, Walliswood, Surrey
No Limits - Reimagining Life with Dementia
I have supported:
No Limits - Reimagining Life with Dementia
Fund a new Money Mentor, in London schools and universities, Summer 2012
Project headlines
- To make the project happen we needed to raise a total of £213.50
- £213.50 was contributed by 6 individuals.
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These people have supported:
Barret Stanboulian, Dave Mellett, Ian Jordan
These people have contributed:
Elaine Freed, Moris Farhi, Dave Mellett, Jean and Andrew Smith, Barret Stanboulian, Ian Jordan
This project in more detail

The work of the Two Counties group offers local people, in a rural area, apart from the tremendous companionship of a friendly group, a true escape from the world in painting! With art shows twice a year the standard of work and enjoyment is high. In addition to painting days (arranged by Janet Mitchell) the group runs Guest lecturer spots - usually the first Monday each month between 7.30-9.30pm. Within a more social context, to get together with nibbles and also improve on our professional capabilities the influence of a guest lecturer takes us all up a 'notch'. We have been running Guest lectures with quite well known artists and hope we can continue, even in lean times, to support a truly valued local activity and hope to raise around £200 to continue. The evenings at the Walliswood Village Hall cover refreshments, hire of the hall and the services of a lecturer for the year. Thanks for your support
Find out more
Read the project documentation
Updates by Leader
"A hearty thank you all very much for the £200 raised toward the Guest lecturer spots. Our exhibition opens this Friday, May 20th and is when the collected funds will be presented to the committee. At the Walliswood Village Hall from 7.30pm."
9:29pm Sunday 15th May
"The management committee graciously accepted your contributions and will shortly announce the next Guest. Will keep you posted"
2:13pm Sunday 22nd May
"Picture here"
2:15pm Sunday 22nd May